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Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right”. I started Samuel and Co Trading in 2012. Now turn that 12 around and in 2022.I am building my dream offices. While I may not have envisioned being able to do this, I always thought I could make it a success.
It just shows with the right team, drive and belief anything is truly possible if you are willing to sacrifice everything to achieve it. My new HQ is going to house my companies, my staff and most of all drive creativity and progression through to my budding staff and traders. It may only currently be a skeleton and a building site, but I have already seen what it looks like in my mind. It will be made a reality very soon. Watch this space. #motivation #henryford #samuelandcotrading #newoffice #refurbishment #construction #property #dreambig #workhard #samuelleach