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This latest decision in Sharjah and Ajman to allow 100 percent ownership to foreign investors has the potential to completely change the game. #sharjah #ajman #100percentforeignownership #100percent #foreignownership #UAENews #uaebusiness #rizmona
June 8, 2021
This latest decision in Sharjah and Ajman to allow 100 percent ownership to foreign investors has the potential to completely change the game.
The long-awaited 100% foreign ownership is now permissible in the UAE. This move will reinforce the growth of the UAE to reach new heights. #100percent #foreignownership #uae #uaebusinessownership #uaebusiness #UAENews #rizmona
June 7, 2021
The long-awaited 100% foreign ownership is now permissible in the UAE. This move will reinforce the growth of the UAE to reach new heights.
Dubai has finally revealed the much-awaited itinerary list for the upcoming Dubai 2020 Expo. #expo #expo2020 #dubaievents #dubaiexpo2020 #UAENews #uae #rizmona
May 24, 2021
Dubai has finally revealed the much-awaited itinerary list for the upcoming Dubai 2020 Expo, which includes fascinating things such as detecting alien
The Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has claimed that the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) increased by 44 percent in the year 2020. #foreigndirectinvestment #FDI #UAENews #uae ... moreThe Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has claimed that the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) increased by 44 percent in the year 2020. #foreigndirectinvestment #FDI #UAENews #uae #investment #uaebusiness #rizmona less
May 23, 2021
The Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has claimed that the Foreign Direct Investment
Ajman Free Zone has decided to showcase its attractive tourism features and investment opportunities at Arabian Travel Market. #ajman #AjmanFreeZone #tourism #investment #ArabianTravelMarket #uae #dubaievents #uaenews #rizmona
May 16, 2021
The Ajman Free Zone (AFZ) is a prominent name in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) region. AFZ remains one of the largest free zones with massive foreign
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Things are gradually improving and it is a positive sign for the future of Dubai and UAE. #economy #DubaiEconomy #demandgrowth #dubai #uaebusiness #uaenews #economicgrowth #UAE #rizmona
May 16, 2021
Following a huge economical setback due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dubai's private sector has seen the strongest demand growth in the past 18 months.
The UAE cabinet has decided to reduce the tax penalties in the region. #Tax #taxpenalties #UAENews #uaebusiness #businessconsultant #rizmona #uae
May 11, 2021
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) cabinet has decided to reduce the tax penalties in the region. This decision will encourage companies and individuals to
Dubai is set to host the highly anticipated Expo 2020 in October 2021 which will run until March 2022. #expo2020 #dubai #uae #UAENews #PostPandemic #uaebusiness #rizmona
May 9, 2021
Following a difficult year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dubai is set to host the highly anticipated Expo 2020 in October 2021 which will run until March
This growth is a positive reinforcement and will further boost the launch of new DMCC Cacao Centre and DMCC Crypto Centre. #dmcc #DubaiMultiCommoditiesCentre #dubai #UAENews #freezone #growth #uaebusiness #uae #rizmona
May 6, 2021
The Dubai Multi Commodities Center (DMCC), which is one of the world's leading Free Zones, has broken its 7-year old for registering the most number of
The UAE economy is set to grow by 6 to 8 percent in the next couple of years. #UAEeconomy #economy #PostPandemic #recovery #Growth #uaebusiness #UAENews #UAE #rizmona
May 5, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted every business across the globe and United Arab Emirates (UAE) was no different. However, with the mass vaccinations being
This is positive reinforcement since Ajman Free Zone has been aiming to expand their growth on a global scale and open doors to new investment opportunities. #AjmanFreeZone #ajman #uae #UAENews #uaebusiness #companysetup #rizmona
May 3, 2021
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has firmly established itself as a business hub, which has raised millions of dollars in investment. The concept of free
UAE is bringing new legislation that will be including 10 new sectors to the commercial company law. #foreignownership #UAE #MinistryofEconomy #UAENews #rizmona
April 26, 2021
Ministry of Economy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is bringing new legislation that will be including 10 new sectors to the commercial company law.
Dubai has finally completed the first phase of a new free zone that is dedicated to e-commerce. #dubaicommercity #ecommerce #ecommercefreezone #Freezone #dubai #uae #UAENews #rizmona
April 20, 2021
The e-commerce is booming across the globe and especially in the Gulf countries, which has led Dubai to take another initiative; Dubai has finally
The Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has finalized its plan to launch an intraday Liquidity Facility. #UAECentralBank #CentralBank #liquidity #uae #UAENews #rizmonadubai
April 12, 2021
The Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has finalized its plan to launch an intraday Liquidity Facility, which will enable all licensed
These companies are ranked based on their workplace environment and how they treat their employees. #TOPcompanies #bestcompany #TopRanked #uaebusiness #dubai #uae #UAENews #rizmonadubai
April 7, 2021
Following the mass rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations, the businesses are slowly and steadily resuming their operations as they used to be. The pandemic saw
Experts believe that UAE's main attraction points include its strong enabling environment, advanced state-of-the-art technological infrastructure, and high innovation levels.#fdi #foregindirectinvestment #uae #uaenews #rizmona
April 6, 2021
GDP (gross domestic product) in the Middle East will grow by 1.4 percent in 2021. #GDPgrowth #GrossDomesticProduct #growth #middleeast #uae #UAENews #uaebusiness #rizmonadubai
April 5, 2021
The Middle East GDP forecast stands at 2.5 percent, which is similar to the growth it saw from 2010 to 2019 which was 2.6 percent, despite the
The business in the free zones was first stalled due to the pandemic but has seen tremendous progress since then. #uae #freezone #uaebusiness #postpandemic #uaefreezone #UAENews #rizmonadubai
March 30, 2021
The Free Zones World Economic Barometer study has revealed that free zones across the globe are all gearing up to overcome the challenges of the
The United Arab Emirates has massively improved in its rating as a most preferred destination to work worldwide. #Top5 #cities #worldwide #workinginuae #uaebusiness #UAENews #uae #rizmonadubai
March 29, 2021
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has massively improved in its rating and is now ranked as the 13th most preferred destination to work worldwide, according
Tourism industry has been halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic but experts claim that the industry will recover in 2022. #tourism #UAEtourism #tourismindustry #inboundtourism #uae #dubai #UAENews #rizmonadubai
March 29, 2021
The United Arab Emirates' inbound tourism spend is expected to cross $25.3 billion by the year 2025, according to findings of Travel Forecast Model from
The retail sales in the United Arab Emirates are expected to make a recovery and grow by 13% to reach $58 billion by the end of 2021. #postpandemic #recovery #retailsales #uaesales #uaebusiness #UAENews
March 24, 2021
The retail sales in the United Arab Emirates are expected to make a recovery and grow by 13% to reach $58 billion by the end of 2021, an analysis from
The scheme offers entrepreneurs and professionals the opportunity to move to the UAE and experience its safe and attractive business environment. #remotework #remoteworkvisa #uaeworkvisa #uaebusiness #UAEVISA #uaebusiness #UAENews #VisaPolicy ... moreThe scheme offers entrepreneurs and professionals the opportunity to move to the UAE and experience its safe and attractive business environment. #remotework #remoteworkvisa #uaeworkvisa #uaebusiness #UAEVISA #uaebusiness #UAENews #VisaPolicy #rizmonadubai less
March 23, 2021
With the COVID-19 pandemic's third-wave on the cards, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) cabinet has made the decision to approve a new policy. Under this new
The UAE has temporarily suspended the issuance of new visas to visitors from Pakistan and 11 other countries until further notice. #uaevisa #workvisa #visitvisa #visasuspended #SecurityConcerns #UAENews #rizmonadubai
December 2, 2020
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has temporarily suspended the issuance of new visas to visitors from Pakistan and 11 other countries until further notice.
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