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Hemant Singh
Haridwar to Joshimath Distance
Joshimath is located in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. There are so many popular places are located near Joshimath such as Auli and Badrinath. Joshimath is also known as jyotirmath. Math means a monastic center where... moreHaridwar to Joshimath Distance
Joshimath is located in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. There are so many popular places are located near Joshimath such as Auli and Badrinath. Joshimath is also known as jyotirmath. Math means a monastic center where religious rituals are practiced. Jyotirmath was established by Shankaracharya. Joshimath local worship the 4th incarnation of Lord Vishnu which is Lord Narsimnha.
Distance from Haridwar to Joshimath
Distance from Haridwar to Joshimath is approx. 275km and there are various travel options available to visit.
By Bus
It takes approx. 10 to 12 hrs to reach there by bus and it will cost you around ₹400–₹600 per person.
By Tempo Traveller
To travel comfortably in budget, you can hire a Tempo Traveller in Haridwar which will cost you around ₹4,000–₹5,000 per day. It also depends on the condition of the vehicles and for group size you choose.
By Personal vehicle
Travel Haridwar to Joytirmath by you own car is a good option to choose as it gives you freedom to travel at your own pace. The toll and fuel expense might cost you ₹2,000–₹3,500.
Best Time to Visit
Best time to visit jyotirmath is from April to June and October to February when the weather is pleasant.
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December 5, 2024
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