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Jiten Choudhary
Delhi to Mathura Distance by Train
The distance from Delhi to Mathura is approx. 182 kms and the journey is quite convenient for tourists. Train takes approx 1.5 hours to 3 hours. It also varies with the type of train service. High speed trains such as... moreDelhi to Mathura Distance by Train
The distance from Delhi to Mathura is approx. 182 kms and the journey is quite convenient for tourists. Train takes approx 1.5 hours to 3 hours. It also varies with the type of train service. High speed trains such as Gatimaan Express make a more accessible trip. Some express trains and passenger trains take more time. Knowing the Distance from Delhi to Mathura and travel time ensures hassle-free planning, especially for short stays in Mathura. Mathura is well connected with trains coming from Delhi so frequently that it opens up more flexibility in either respect-tourists and pilgrims. Along with trains like Shatabdi, Intercity and local express and many more are available for the people to travel, depending upon their schedule and budget. This knowledge about travel time can be helpful in making hassle-free travel especially for the short-stay in Mathura.
One of the advantages of traveling by train is the comfort. You get comfortable sitting, and some trains provide meals. You can choose that train as per your requirement and budget.
Train cost you lesser than other travelling options available. You pay only for the service you choose, making it a budget-friendly way to travel.
Trains are punctual and arrive on time, trains only delays when somethings mishappening occur. This makes them reliable enough for timely journeys.
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October 24, 2024
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