TRENDING HASHTAG: #StretchBlowMolding

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  • James Harden
    When you look at all the different plastic bottles used for a broad range of products, you’ll quickly notice they come in different sizes and shapes. That even includes those used for #handsanitizer. To produce a plastic bottle that works but also...  more
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  • James Harden
    When you get a drink or use a bottle of hand sanitizer, you might not think that much about what is inside the bottle. However, it is best to have an understanding of the process behind making these bottles. Of course, the correct hand sanitizer bottle...  more
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  • James Harden
    Although the PET industry is around people every day, they ignore it too often. Medicines, drinks, packaging, and other products all require plastics, and it is likely that in the next year or so, the industry will be worth more than $55 billion. But you...  more
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