TRENDING HASHTAG: #SiliconValleyNews

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  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Intel Chips Away At The Digital Divide
    In Santa Clara, Intel headquarters is committed to chipping away at the digital divide. Through its Creating Learning Connections Initiative with the nonprofit First Book, Intel has joined Computer Discount...  more
    September 8, 2020
    Intel Chips Away at the Digital Divide - The Silicon Valley Voic
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    In Santa Clara, The Way Counties Reopen, Hair Salons & Malls Reopen Changed by California. The State of California is retiring the State Monitoring List. Santa Clara County is currently on the Monitoring List which means we would most likely be in the...  more
    September 1, 2020
    California Changes the Way Counties Reopen, Hair Salons & Malls
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Crisis Responses Highlights in Santa Clara City Council Meeting, Silicon Valley Power Growth. "The lightning-caused 7,500 to lose power," said Pineda. Pineda, Director of Electric Utility, gave SVP's quarterly strategic plan at Tuesday's Santa Clara City...  more
    August 27, 2020
    Silicon Valley Power Growth, Crisis Response Highlights Council
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Local Hairstylists, Nail Salons Struggle Under COVID-19 Restrictions. In Santa Clara County service businesses like hair salons can only reopen outdoors because it is on the state's COVID-19 watchlist and the latest regulations for hairstylists and nail...  more
    August 12, 2020
    Local Hairstylists, Nail Salons Struggle Under COVID-19 Restrict
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    “Build The Density And Transit Will Come,” Says Transportation Expert
    Karen Mack, transportation consultant welcomed by Planning Commissioners at an April 22 study session. The impetus for the session is Senate Bill 743. Instead, cities are to use...  more
    May 4, 2020
  • Eharmony
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Santa Clara Police Officer Diagnosed With COVID-19. One police officer tested positive for coronavirus(COVID-19), notified by the Santa Clara Police Department yesterday evening. The officer last worked on March 9, who is not being identified. ...  more
    March 18, 2020
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Sunnyvale’s CityLine Development Enters Next Phase. The developer behind CityLine is Sares Regis & the project aimed at transforming Downtown Sunnyvale. Dave Hopkins said that he is extremely excited about what's coming up in 2020 as the redevelopment...  more
    March 12, 2020
    Sunnyvale’s CityLine Development Enters Next Phase - The Silicon
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Santa Clara Police Union Comes with 11th Hour Push-Poll For Measure C
    Santa Clara police union did campaigning for Measure C. To round out the campaign's window dressing as public opinion poll and also asked about their opinion.
    #MeasureC ...  more
    February 26, 2020
    Police Union Comes Through For Santa Clara’s Measure C With 11th


  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Intel Chips Away At The Digital Divide
    In Santa Clara, Intel headquarters is committed to chipping away at the digital divide. Through its Creating Learning Connections Initiative with the nonprofit First Book, Intel has joined Computer Discount...  more
    Intel Chips Away at the Digital Divide - The Silicon Valley Voic
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    In Santa Clara, The Way Counties Reopen, Hair Salons & Malls Reopen Changed by California. The State of California is retiring the State Monitoring List. Santa Clara County is currently on the Monitoring List which means we would most likely be in...  more
    California Changes the Way Counties Reopen, Hair Salons & Malls
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Crisis Responses Highlights in Santa Clara City Council Meeting, Silicon Valley Power Growth. "The lightning-caused 7,500 to lose power," said Pineda. Pineda, Director of Electric Utility, gave SVP's quarterly strategic plan at Tuesday's Santa...  more
    Silicon Valley Power Growth, Crisis Response Highlights Council
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Local Hairstylists, Nail Salons Struggle Under COVID-19 Restrictions. In Santa Clara County service businesses like hair salons can only reopen outdoors because it is on the state's COVID-19 watchlist and the latest regulations for hairstylists and nail...  more
    Local Hairstylists, Nail Salons Struggle Under COVID-19 Restrict
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    “Build The Density And Transit Will Come,” Says Transportation Expert
    Karen Mack, transportation consultant welcomed by Planning Commissioners at an April 22 study session. The impetus for the session is Senate Bill 743. Instead, cities are to use...  more
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Santa Clara Police Officer Diagnosed With COVID-19. One police officer tested positive for coronavirus(COVID-19), notified by the Santa Clara Police Department yesterday evening. The officer last worked on March 9, who is not being identified. ...  more
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Sunnyvale’s CityLine Development Enters Next Phase. The developer behind CityLine is Sares Regis & the project aimed at transforming Downtown Sunnyvale. Dave Hopkins said that he is extremely excited about what's coming up in 2020 as the redevelopment...  more
    Sunnyvale’s CityLine Development Enters Next Phase - The Silicon
  • The Silicon Valley Voice
    Santa Clara Police Union Comes with 11th Hour Push-Poll For Measure C
    Santa Clara police union did campaigning for Measure C. To round out the campaign's window dressing as public opinion poll and also asked about their opinion.
    #MeasureC...  more
    Police Union Comes Through For Santa Clara’s Measure C With 11th
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