• gbiotec gbiotec
    GebiotidePalmitoyl Tripeptide-1
    https://www.g-biotec.com/products/gebiotide-palmitoyl-tripeptide-1/ /> #Pharmaceutical #intermediates

    Gebiotide Palmitoyl Tripeptide-1  also goes by the names pal-GHK and palmitoyl oligopeptide. It appears as a white...  more
  • Chemical name: 2-Carbomethoxybenzene sulfonamide

    Molecular formula: C8H9NO4S

    Molecular Weight: 215.22

    Appearance: White or light yellow color powder

    Purity (dried content): ≥98%

    Weight loss on drying: ≤0.5%

    Regular package will be 25...  more
  • Chemical Name: Methyl 2-aminobenzoate

    Molecular formula: C8H9NO2

    Molecular Weight: 151.16

    CAS number : 134-20-3
    Methyl Anthranilate Aroma Chemical
    Methyl Anthranilate is an aroma chemical used in perfumery with characteristics. The smell also...  more
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