Navgati's Album: Wall Photos
Photo 3 of 44 in Wall Photos

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What permissions would you like to give yourself?

So number 2 (and one that I most definitely need) - it's ok not to be perfect.

"I've struggled all my life with never being good enough to meet my own standards. And sure, having an orientation to doing your best is helpful....up to a point.

However when I find myself not trying something new (because of the fear that I won't do a perfect job) or spending hours trying to find one perfect picture for a presentation (that 99% of people are never going to notice anyway) or flagellating myself for weeks for one coaching conversation not going as well as I think it should have....that's when this permission would really be helpful."

In what way does your need for perfection hold you back?

P.S - I was agonising over whether it should be "it's ok to not be perfect" or "it's ok not to be perfect" till Krishnan pithily said "does it matter given the point being made?"

Navgati's Album: Wall Photos