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Our country currently has no mandatory standards for home passenger elevator. Each villa elevator focuses on how to increase the appearance design of the elevator. Therefore, the popular villa elevator technology platforms in the market are diverse and diverse.
After the elevator has been developed for so many years, the technology is very mature. A normal elevator should include the main engine, steel wire rope, car and components, guide shoes, guide rails, speed limiter, safety gear, buffer, etc. in terms of machinery and safety structure. Various types of driving and safety agencies, which are all elevators from subways, airports, office buildings, shopping malls, and communities should be equipped.
The installation of elevators will inevitably increase the share area and affect sales advantages. Appropriately reduce the size of the elevator shaft to a certain extent, and ask the Passenger Elevator Factory to maximize the area of saleable residential buildings under the condition of ensuring the minimum fire separation distance.

Webstar's Album: Wall Photos