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Moleskine Style Notebook-Notebook Selection Considerations

Then I will introduce the 4 key points of choosing a notebook. Since everyone's needs are different, the points of attention are also very different. You can first think about your purpose and needs, and then refer to the following 4 points to choose a style that suits you!

①The appearance and design of the notebook

The design beauty and color of the cover are also one of the main reasons for choosing a notebook. For example, colorful designs, or designs that show elegant texture, etc., will vary according to personal preferences.

If it is used for diary or record purposes, thick-looking notebooks are more popular. Relatively speaking, if you need to carry it often, or if you use your notebook as a note paper, you are recommended to use a thin and portable style, or choose a note paper notebook.

②Material of paper

Smooth and easy to write paper allows you to write easily. In addition, durability, whether the ink is easily smeared, etc., are also important points to pay attention to. In addition, please confirm whether the written content will be easily printed on the next page.

③The size of the notebook
Nowadays, some office workers use notebooks to record their inspirations at work. Therefore, the size of the notebooks is derived to reflect the size of their thinking. That is to say, the larger the notebook space, the more people can break away from the framework of thinking and stimulate better inspiration.

Although everyone's needs are not the same, in general, the A5 size notebook is the most convenient to use. Therefore, it is recommended that you can use the A5 size as a basis for selection.

In addition, the oblong notebook has also been very popular recently, especially when reading books. For example, when you are learning a language, you can write a word or idiom on the left part by drawing a straight line in the ratio of left 3 to right 7 in your notebook, and write practical examples of this word or idiom on the right. Because the shape is elongated, longer sentences can be written without segmentation.

④The presence of lines and squares

Notebooks with clear lines or very obvious squares are suitable for those who want to write correct fonts. Notebooks with relatively inconspicuous lines or grid lines are suitable for people who want to be white paper or who just want a little line as a reference.

Zhejiang Huangyan Huifeng Stationery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and supplier of Moleskine style notebook and hardcover notebook . The product design is novel and the workmanship is exquisite. If necessary, please contact us: https://www.chinesestationery.net

Oskar chinesestationery's Album: Wall Photos