Abdul Waheed's Album: Wall Photos
Photo 180 of 455 in Wall Photos

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100% All Natural, Organic & Vegan Clothing brands which are all American Owned and Operted Businesses headquartered in the United States of American. At Kinilly Natural & Organic Products we have spent years researching a wide range of manufacturing industries. The Fabric and Clothing Industry has a very significant impact on our planet. From the threats to the environment to the existing and ever-persistent contribution to toxic overload in the human body, the clothing we wear plays an important role in all of this... and the impact clothing has on our lives is much greater than many might expect.For these reasons, Kinilly has partnered with American Based Clothing brands who ethically source their textiles and in some cases locally manufacture clothing, all in a combined effort to have the LOWEST POSSIBLE CARBON FOOTPRINT and overall LOWER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS in terms of textile manufacturing. Each brand listed is required to be an American Owned & Operated Clothing & Apparel Brand. Each business listed herein, is required to be All-Natural, Organic-based, GOTS Certified Organic, and/or USDA Certifed Organic, and manufactured in Fair Wear and/or Fair Trade Certified facility. Note: Due to Carbon Neutrality and Carbon Negative requirements to be listed on Kinilly's Clothing category, some of the clothing listed may be designed and manufactured in the U.S.A, while others may be designed in the U.S.A. and part or some of the textile or garment manufacturing may have been in one or more of the following: Canada, Mexico, India, London, England, Italy, Indonesia, and/or Egypt.
Organic Clothes

Abdul Waheed's Album: Wall Photos