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????????```KEY VERSE:``` _*"Saying, What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receive my sight" (LUKE 18:41).*_
*John Graham Lake, a healing and preaching minister, once said the object of healing "is health, abiding health of body, soul and spirit. The healing of the spirit unites the spirit of man to God forever; the healing of the soul corrects psychological disorder and brings the soul process into harmony with the mind of God. And the healing of the body completes the union of man with God when the Holy Spirit possesses all."*
*Our text dwells on the account of a blind man, who was begging by the wayside in Jericho. He heard the multitude passing by and demanded to know what was happening. They told him that "Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." Incidentally, that was the last time Jesus would pass through Jericho before going to Calvary. He started shouting, "Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me." Even when he was told to hold his peace, the blind man continued calling for Christ's attention. At last, Christ heard his cry for mercy.*
*Unlike other blind persons in Jericho at the time Jesus Christ was passing through, the blind man seized the opportunity. He did not only receive healing to his blind eyes, but also the salvation of his soul. However, it never occurred to other blind fellows to come to Jesus for their salvation and sight. They all lost out.*
*Today may be your last opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ, the Healer and Restorer. Do not miss this great chance. Like the blind man, cry out to Him and never entertain distraction from any quarters.*
✍```THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:``` _*Christ Jesus is the only true Healer.*_
????????```THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:``` *MALACHI 1-4*????????