Breast Augmentation

The natural shape of a woman’s breast is important for many women. Some individuals feel that small breasts not only limit their fashion choices, but can also cause lead to a lack of self confidence. Dr. Golla believes that Breast Augmentation Pittsburgh PA to increase fullness and projection of the breasts improves the balance in a woman’s figure and can enhance her self-image and self-confidence.

This procedure enhances a woman’ s breasts through the surgical placement of breast implants. In general, it is a cosmetic procedure strictly performed to fulfill your personal desire for fuller breasts or to restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy. Breast implants allow women the choice of fuller, natural appearing breasts and a more balanced figure through a simple surgical procedure.

Breast Augmentation

  • Enlarge a naturally small breast, most commonly the result of heredity
  • Restore breast volume lost following pregnancy, as a result of breast-feeding or due to weight loss
  • Achieve better symmetry when breasts are moderately disproportionate in size and shape

A consultation with Dr. Golla in Pittsburgh is the first step to learn how Breast Augmentation can enhance your breasts’ appearance and improve your body image. A consultation is designed to fully educate you about breast augmentation in a non-pressured environment at our Pittsburgh offices and will include:

  • A discussion of your goals and an evaluation of your individual case
  • The options available in breast augmentation surgery
  • The likely outcomes of breast augmentation and any risks or potential complications
  • The course of treatment recommended by Dr. Golla

If you feel that Breast Augmentation Pittsburgh PA is the right surgery for you, please call us at 1-888-MD-GOLLA to schedule a consultation today!

Types of Breast Implants

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure designed to enlarge breasts with the surgical placement of implants. Patients considering breast augmentation in Pittsburgh have a good number of options available.


— filled with salt water (sterile). In the event that the implant should leak, it will collapse, and the saline solution will be naturally absorbed and expelled by the body.

Structured Saline Implants

— filled with sterile salt water. However, the implants contain an “inner structure” designed to make the implant feel more like a natural breast.

Silicone Implants

— filled with silicone gel, feeling very much like natural breast tissue. If this implant leaks, gel may remain in the implant shell, or escape into the implant pocket.

Gummy Bear (Form-Stable)

— (also known as form-stable implants) will maintain their shape even if the implant shell itself is broken. These types of implants are firmer than other implants.


— tend to make breasts appear fuller. Round breast implants are designed to be the same shape all over. These implants pose less concern about “rotating out of place”.


— the softest of all implant options. They move within the breast implant pocket, which allows for more natural movement. They may present some visible rippling.


— these help develop scar tissue that sticks to the implant. This makes them less likely to move around and become re-positioned (it’s important to understand any risk factors).

Benefits of a Breast Augmentation Procedure

Every breast implant patient has different goals and aspirations. For breast augmentation in Pittsburgh, the Golla Center offers a private consultation in a non-pressured environment. The idea is to discuss various implant options, potential risks, and of course, the benefits.

Improved Body Image

Because breast augmentation adds volume and curves, personal body image is enhanced. It’s all very personal – whether you’re looking to increase cup size or better fill out a bikini top. For many women, breast augmentation provides a desirable and attractive “new look”.

Increased Self Confidence

In many cases, breast implants can be a confidence booster, particularly for women who are unsatisfied with their appearance. Because of the associated lack of confidence, implants can make a woman feel more comfortable with their “new look” and more confident overall.

Full Breast Restoration

This procedure can be an option for mothers after pregnancy (or simply because of aging). After breastfeeding, women can experience decreased breast volume, and implants would restore that lost volume. It’s also true for women with similar changes caused by aging.

Rebuild After Mastectomy

A post-mastectomy breast reconstruction is performed by using a woman’s own body tissue or using a breast implant. The procedure is designed to restore the breasts, helping cancer survivors to feel more like themselves – and providing physical and emotional restoration.

Risks of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is surgery – so there are risks and complications. The most important thing is to work with a surgeon who is Board Certified and working in an accredited facility.

  • Anesthesia Risks – Surgeons can perform breast augmentation under local anesthesia or general anesthesia, but the safest option is general anesthesia. While anesthesia has risks, major side effects and complications are rare. A trained, accredited professional must administer anesthesia.

  • Related Infections – With breast augmentation, statistics show that the majority of infections develop within the post-operative period. However, some infections have known to develop years or decades after the original surgery. The causes of infection with breast implants are wide ranging.

  • Associated Bleeding – Like most general surgeries, bleeding is not an uncommon occurrence. Left unattended, the bleeding could become serious. Sometimes, bleeding is found around the surgery incisions. Whatever the cause or extent, bleeding should be checked out judiciously by the surgeon.

  • Implant Hematoma – A bruise is an example of a mild hematoma. With breast surgery, bruising can occur when blood collects around the incision. In rare cases, there can be more severe hematoma under the implant itself. Post-operative assessment is always recommended to keep a close eye.

  • Skin Sensitivity – Breast (and nipple) sensitivity can occur after breast implantation. During surgery, skin and nerves are stretched, and skin sensitivity can depend on several factors. In some case, when women increase breast size significantly, there could be a higher chance of skin sensitivity.

  • Leakage/Ruptures – With breast implants (for augmentation or reconstruction) rupture and/or leakage can be a potential complication. The symptoms of breast implant rupture will vary by patient but may include changes in shape; hard knots or lumps; unusual swelling, burning, numbness.

Preparing for Breast Augmentation

There’s no question that breast augmentation surgery must be performed in an accredited facility. A Board-Certified surgeon should be performing the procedure, and every effort should be made to ensure patient safety. Post surgery oversight is key to proper recovery.

  • Research.
    Beyond any initial research on the subject, the first consultation with your surgeon will be integral to understanding the full scope of breast implantation. Your surgeon may even use computer visualization to discuss size and type of implant, amongst other relevant issues.
  • Testing.
    With breast implants, preoperative instructions include all types of testing. You’ll need a Complete Blood Count to measure red cells, white cells, and platelets. A CBC test will also assess iron levels, elevated white cell count, or any problems associated with blood clotting.
  • Food/Water.
    Your healthcare team will likely recommend the types of food to eat before and after your surgery. Typically, you be asked NOT to drink alcohol, NOT to take aspirin, NOT to smoke, and NOT to ingest herbal supplants. It’s also recommended NOT to eat high sodium foods.
  • Plans for Rides.
    Like many surgical procedures, a support person should be secured to help you right after surgery. Primarily, you’ll need to be driven home, and you’ll need some type of supervision for the first 24 hours after surgery. The support person will be taking full responsibility.
  • Pre OP Care.
    Beyond physically preparing for the surgery, it’s also important to plan ahead for a relaxed recovery. You should fill necessary prescriptions – stock up with “comfort” foods – arrange for a comfortable sleeping area. NOTE: nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours before surgery.
  • Post Op Care.
    For most post-op patients, it’s okay to shower after 24 to 48 hours. Shower water should be prevented from washing over your incisions. Your surgery bra should be worn right after the shower. During the first week, nothing should be done that entails over-extending arms.

Cost of Breast Augmentation

There are certain situations when breast surgery would be covered by insurance – however coverage is unlikely for a purely cosmetic procedure. The truth is, even “average” costs will vary according to the source, mainly because there are so many factors to consider.

For a start, there are surgeon’s fees. Then, there’s the cost of anesthesia. Then there’s the facility costs. And then, the cost of surgery related materials. Finally, there are additional costs related to any pre-operative appointments and post-operative appointments.

In America, the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery publishes breast implant costs that are very general. This is because every patient is unique and every procedure is different. In fact, costs can also vary based on geographic location and the surgeon’s expertise.

When estimating costs, patients should take into account additional costs during the weeks after surgery. There could well be additional medical tests. There could be a need for post-surgery garments. And there could be a need to purchase prescription medications.

For patients having breast augmentation in Pittsburgh, the Golla Center offers convenient financing. This is similar to a typical credit card. There are NO up-front costs and NO pre-payment penalties. Monthly payments are a convenient way to amortize the costs.

Recovery from an Augmentation Surgery

Today, breast surgery patients can return to normal quite soon after surgery. To reduce any swelling or pain, patients should sleep upright for the first few days after breast surgery.

  • Immediately After.
    Patients feel tired and sore immediately after breast implant surgery. There may also be less feeling (breast and nipple) after surgery. Swelling and bruising of breasts is normal and should diminish over the weeks.
  • One Week After.
    While recovery varies, most patients are back to normal one week after surgery. Breasts typically remain swollen/sensitive for up to a month. Any strenuous activity of the arms and/or chest should be avoided.
  • Wound Care.
    A couple days after surgery, your outer dressing can be removed. The surgical bra should be worn at all times during the first week after surgery. However, it can be removed after 48 hours to launder and/or shower.
  • Pain Management.
    Breast implant recovery does involve some pain, although it’s generally manageable – with the medications regimen as prescribed. To further control pain, some surgeons recommend a pain pump for added comfort.
  • Post-Op Check Up.
    At the first post-operative check up, bandages and stitches will be removed, and incision sites will be assessed. Depending on the protocol, follow-up appointments are booked at 4 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months.
  • Post-Op Clothing.
    Most surgeons are concerned about the kind of bra you wear after surgery, rather than the clothes you wear. Your surgeon will recommend the best bra. Clothing is more of a personal choice, and based on comfort.


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