An Expert’s Guide To Acne Scar Removal In Kolkata

Acne can severely affect the self-esteem of a teenager or even an adult. With problems such as environmental stress, and hormonal imbalances, acne is more common now than ever. Acne affects about 67% of people in India above the age of 18. Acne leads to acne scars, which leads to emotional distress. Thankfully, there are a range of safe treatments available for acne scar removal in Kolkata. This blog will be an all-encompassing guide on what to expect from the acne scar removal process. 

Causes of Acne Scar Formation

The first step to curing any condition lies in figuring out its origin. Acne scars are usually a result of skin tissue fibrosis during the healing process after acne. The damaged area of the skin acts differently from other areas of the skin, leading to acne scars. Sometimes, acne scars can heal themselves while your body tries to replace damaged skin with healthy skin cells. However, fading of blemish scars depends significantly on the size, depth, and type of the scar. Other factors influencing the fading of scars include age and genetics. 

Types of Acne Scars

Acne scars may either by hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation depending on the type of acne. Hyperpigmented acne scars mean that the skin darkens, while hypopigmented acne scars are lightened areas of skin. On the other hand, here are more specific types of acne scars: 

  • Atrophic Scar 
  • Rolling Scar 
  • Hypertrophic Scar 
  • Box Scar 
  • Ice Pick Scar 
  • Keloidal Scar

One thing that all types of acne scars have in common is that they all have broken capillaries in them. There may be signs of deformity or disfigurement of the tissue surrounding the acne scar. 

Types of Acne Scar Removal in Kolkata 

  1. Laser Acne Scar Removal via ablative or non-ablative lasers
  2. Fractional radiofrequency 
  3. Dermarollers (Perfect for shallow scars)
  4. Cryorollers (Also perfect for shallow scars) 
  5. Chemical Peels (Made for shallow scars) 
  6. Microdermabrasion for minor scars 
  7. Scar revision surgery (Rarely used) 

Treatments for acne scar removal in Kolkata can often be used in combination with each other to maximize results. 

Acne Scar Removal in Kolkata: Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatments 

Laser skin resurfacing helps remove top layers of skin with precision. The process requires heat and light of measured and controlled intensities to be delivered deep into the skin. This refills depressed scars and helps regenerate fresh collagen while eliminating damaged layers of skin. Therefore, laser skin resurfacing treatments eliminate pigment in the skin and lighten acne scars. 

Non-ablative lasers work on remodeling scars by delivering heat deep into the layers of skin to cause changes in dermal collagen. Non-ablative laser treatments are used chiefly for mild and superficial scars. On the other hand, ablation laser treatment is made for deeper scars. The way ablative laser treatment works is that it destroys the architecture of the epidermis to cause the remodeling of dermal collagen. Through this method, ablative laser treatment improves the appearance of acne scars. 

What to Expect from the Acne Scar Removal Process 

Treatment of acne scars depends entirely on the type of scars and acne you face. All treatments are geared towards restoring your confidence through acne scar removal in Kolkata. 

  • Atrophic or depressed scars can be healed with laser treatments with or without injectable fillers. 
  • Ice pick scars are more profound and require a combination of subscision with laser treatment. 
  • Non-surgical laser treatments involve fractional lasers, and ablative fractional carbon dioxide laser is the most popular treatment. 
  • High-precision microbeams are focused on the skin within deep columns of tissue coagulation. 
  • Laser treatment for acne scars is precise and does not affect surrounding skin cells. 
  • Laser treatment uses heat stimulation for fresh collagen formation and resurfacing of new skin.

How the Laser Acne Scar Removal Process Feels 

Most laser treatment procedures require you to be under topical anesthesia, but you may experience a pricking, warm sensation. On the day after the laser scar removal, you may face redness and a slight burning sensation. A few days post-laser treatment, the treated skin will darken before peeling off entirely to reveal new skin. It is crucial to use protection during laser therapy to prevent further damage. 

Laser treatments are safe and non-invasive, which means that the patient does not need hospitalization. Clinics will recommend follow-up treatments, sun protection, and topical treatments to help speed up the acne scar removal process. 

Does Laser Treatment Provide Permanent Results?

If done by a trusted clinic, you can expect improvement in acne scars to be permanent unless new acne shows up. Your clinic will let you know about the desired results, though scars are usually healed by 40-90% based on the type, severity, and age of the scar. Proper laser treatment can remove acne scars and also restore the smile on your face. 

A Conclusion: Points to Remember About Ace Scar Reduction Treatment

Individuality is not limited to our personalities, it extends to our skin too. Results of acne scar removal in Kolkata will be personalized to your specific treatment and needs. Your results will be tailored to you and won’t match celebrities, advertisements, or even your friends. 

At Kaayakalp Clinic, trained dermatologists handle acne scar removal. Our skin specialists have years of experience, ensuring that you are in safe hands. Our specialists ensure that the most technical treatments, including the use of ablative laser treatment, are done safely and also efficiently. 

We hope this blog helped you understand what to expect from the acne scar removal process, and also we look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions. 

Also, read our other article: Photofacial: Redefine Your Complexion With Light Therapy

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